Thiruvananthapuram, also known as Trivandrum, is located in India's southwestern corner and is supposedly the capital of Kerala State. The two political outfits that take turns in ruling the state have been trying to outdo each other in neglecting this place, or so the local populace feels. The third outfit made up of the right wing dudes, to their credit, did try to do some positive things when they were in power in Dilli though it wasn't much.

The good
Still has lot of green left despite the concreting frenzy that has gripped the malayali of late. Decent schools, colleges and reasonably good medical facilities. Comparatively better water supply system (with respect to other Indian cities). An international airport (albeit a bit decrepit and, no surprise here, neglected). Proximity to couple of beach resorts. Some old buildings that are reasonably maintained.

The bad
The slowly but steadily vanishing green. The roads that are deathtraps. (No one ever thought of pedestrians or footpaths). Inefficient and ineffective garbage disposal system leading to piled up filth. Crime. The various development works that create more problems than it solves.

The ugly
The new concrete eyesores. The ugly road dividers. The omnipresent plastic waste. The garbage bins which are the biggest garbage around.

The city fathers, mothers and other assorted relatives are carving up new deals to "booty"-fy the city by pouring more and more concrete and felling more and more trees.
There are probably many committees and think tanks around dreaming up solutions to all the myriad problems. And, perhaps in another century or two they'd be able to come up with something like, for instance, footpaths!

