Gurus, Missionary's Position, etc.
Again I almost gave up on writing. But, then $h*t does happen, doesn't it?

I'm referring to the bad times that have fallen on numerous god-men in GOC. A whole bunch of gurus have been arrested or busted recently by the police and media for fraudulent activity. Now, I'm entirely against this police atrocity. How could you do this to those nice people with those nice beards and soft eyes and softer hands? For one thing, this was my dream profession. I always dreamt of being a big-time Swami ever since Rajneesh and his Rolls Royce fleet and free sex philosophy, and as I have mentioned elsewhere the dream never took off due to lack of sufficiently long facial hair and also the indispensable good, soft features.

The second thing is that, this is the theme of my, as yet unwritten, novel. Now, there is nothing novel in it anymore. I'll have to totally rework my plans now. I hope some of the big fries (gods and goddesses) can withstand these attacks through their $piritual (means monetary) power. The guys rounded up are only small-time millionaires.

Another piece of news I read a few months ago had me almost falling off the chair.

This one was about the Catholic Church coming out with a textbook series on sex education for high school students in GOC. Wow, who else but the Catholic Church to give education on sex in the land of the Kama Sutra? Just think of the experience those celibates have had. I can't wait to get a copy of that. Need to check out the new variations on missionary position. The interesting thing about the programme is that it is headed by a priest named Father Kottayil. He heads an expert panel (ha, ha) comprising theologians, etc. What kind of expertise do these people have? Have they starred in KSG (old-time soft mallu porno director) movies? Well, getting back to the name. I don't know if it is a misprint or if it is pronounced differently with the Ko stretched as Kou. If not, it becomes kind of thought provoking for nuts like me. Here is why. The first five letters taken together is a slang for the spherical parts of the male reproductive organ (this is church-related, and you can't use other common words such as the ones that rhyme with chick.) So, the word could mean something like "in the sack."

Hmm, I hope all those students get to roll in the sack with this manual in one hand.